Sunday 26 September 2010

Get me my wife on the phone!

So it turns out some things are harder work than you'd think. For example, despite being a deputy editor on my uni paper last term I was in absolutely no way ready for (read- did not unserstand) the amount of effort it takes to co-ordinate just one section in one issue. So... I've been getting to grips with it.

That means I have, in my own feeble way, been getting my J. Jonah Jameson on- but not as much as I'd like. I'm too... nice? Keen to be liked? Not confident enough to shout at people or be strongly worded... at least, not yet. But I will be. I will be the cigar chomping, blood-pressure pill popping anger-factory by the end of term. At least... close to it.

What are you waiting for, Chinese New Year?

The main problem is people just not doing what they said they would. I know, we're students, lack of productivity is kind of our thing if you believe certain people (parents who only half joke, middle class middle aged bachelors etc), but it takes the biscuit when you're waiting on something a week after the deadline, for example.

I know, I know, everyone is guilty of putting stuff off at one point or another. Yes, yes, even yours truly, who once admitted to the world (or rather, a group of bored students at college hustings) that I do in fact write a detailed list of what I have to do the next day right before I go to bed (evenings where I'm 'entertaining' and rare days in the holidays not included, of course). But is doing a little bit of work in the summer holiday too much to ask?

I can only assume this'll be all too familiar this year.

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