Tuesday 23 August 2011

Life Update- Haven't got a job yet

I don't normally do progress reports on things that have happened in my life. This blog was designed to be mainly about current affairs and things that I have come across, books, plays, films and the like, and then to use those as the substance which my witty cynicism and occasionally misplaced dislike is a foil to. I can't really stand talking about day-to-day stuff, or reading other "personal blogs".

That's because I don't generally like the idea of people being exhibitionist enough to fling their equivalents of diary entries around willy-nilly across the interwebs for every Tom, Dick and Harry to stumble across. It's depressing that some people are vapid enough that they feel such a thing has a place on the internet, as 90% of the things they report on doing are mundane and frankly not worth reading about. In my opinion, that is. If a person wants to write a diary then I'm not saying they shouldn't, I just don't think everyone should be offered a glance- there's being open and then there's unashamedly craving attention.

Anyway, I am writing a small update piece now, simply because I was giving this blog the once over the other day and realised the description written for it by myself still reads "of an already jaded undergrad", which at this point in time is spectacularly false because it is, sadly, redundant. I am no longer a student, one among the heaving masses of learning, partying and procrastinating young people who make their parents proud by not telling them a lot of what they are doing. I am now what some refer to as unemployed, and what I am currently telling myself in the mirror is actually a lazy tramp.

As such this blog will be changing. A friend of a friend has done this with hers, and I think it's a good idea- from now on there will be set days when specific categories will be posted. There's nothing set in concrete yet, but reviews of books, films and graphic novels will all be present each week, as will a current affairs discussion and possibly other features. Keep your eyes peeled- it may not kick in for a while, as I'm having trouble motivating myself at the moment, but it will happen soon. The reason for the delay?

Currently I'm on my own. The 'rents/ folks/ duo who you can blame for bringing me into this world took themselves and the younger spawn off to Italy on Monday. It's cloudy and grey and pretty much eternally England here, meanwhile, and I'm waiting on a reply from a job I interviewed for a week and a half ago because no decision has been made yet. I know this, because that's what they told me when I called to check, twice, after the ever-shifting date I was to get a call on passed. Twice.

P.S. If you found 90% of the things reported here mundane and frankly not worth reading about, sorry. I'll do better with some actual stuff to review/ discuss soon.

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