Wednesday 11 January 2012

Passing Comment- Antony Worzel Thompson-gate

Or how the dwarfs delved too greedily, and too deep.

Here's Television chef Mr Worrell Thompson.

He caused kerfuffle over Christmas by shoplifting goods from his local Tesco with the ingenious plan of not swiping them at the self-service machines. He then released an apology, saying- "I am not the first, and I certainly won't be the last person to do something without rhyme or reason". According to the Metro he said "'I've been racking my brains to think why on earth did I do it and what was going through my mind at the time, but I just don't know.'"

He doesn't know- to the point that he also said "“I’ve got to face up to it and that means seeking help – psychiatric help.”"

Well I do. Because he could. If you can, why not?

I say this as a man who had a similar situation. Scanning bits and bobs for a BBQ last summer, I had to ask a staff member five times to confirm that each item had been scanned as the machine decided not to play along. The girl in question, who clearly didn't want to be there shepherding the brainless towards screens that took her job and don't do it well at all (and why should she) saw me look in askance on occasion six and came over. She swiped her gizmo, turned and said "just the one, is it?" referring to the item in my hand. After the stress of using the machine, I forgot the other two of said item already in the bag. The woe of those machines every time I went in, I figured I was owed those two free minuscule items. We'd all do it.

Problem is, wine and cheese? He's gotten away with it a few times and aimed too high With me, it was a lucky break on one day. Mr WT made it a habit to go after, and it went wrong.

Short answer, Mr WT- you did it because you could. There's no great mystery here- stop the media questioning, the media judgement and the shrink you're looking for. Read this- I've just saved you the thousands you'd have spent on a couch looking for an answer that isn't there.

Here's the Metro's take on the statement, and here's

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