Wednesday 3 November 2010

They merely lack the light to show them the way...

So, go to university. Check.

Realise it's not the hedonistic haven you might have thought. Check.

Enjoy the hell out of it anyway. Check.

Realise it is rapidly becoming a building site designed specifically to train blind people to use their other senses. Che- Er... eh, what?

I understand not all building projects will be achieved within the time period set out for them. That's a given. Things go wrong, all the time. Particularly around higher education institutions but hey, that's neither here nor there at this point in time. It's a different kettle of fish, a completely seperate grumble.

I just don't understand why if a building project is overrunning the contractors, the university, even the security staff, don't insist on at least some light being used along the now trecherous temporary tarmac that snakes it's way around several new buildings that are taking their time to sprout malignantly as excresant tumours on the campus landscape.

The clocks have changed. It has rained every day for the last fortnight. It is cold. The conditions are perfect for someone to break something because there is absolutely no light.

It doesn't help that the damp mean there is now a new sub-species of malevolent, mucus-producing organic paving slabs living all over the floor on campus and, although it's better lit, in town.

I've said it before and I'll say it again- if the university gets a contracted company in to do some work, and set a date it has to be finished by then tell everybody that date, when the company inevitably overruns (which they will- let's face it, we're students, 'what do they care?') they should have to pay colossal lateness compenstation. Then maybe they'll get things done on time. And not run into the dark days of a northern grim winter.

Which, this year, is somehow so much darker than it has been before. And wetter and colder. It's grim up north. Anywhere above the Midlands should be given street heaters and fucking awnings on all the streets.

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