Thursday 22 September 2011

Headlining Fleet Street: Call me Florence Nightingale (no, really, call me. Please?)

Day two of the News-based Internship!.

Firstly, I'm convinced Idris Elba was driving our Tube today. When he apologised over the intercom for the delay, “due to a train… on the section ahead”, I fully expected him to start berating someone called Alice.

Secondly, I should probably learn first aid or something. When a girl fainted on me on the train into our beloved capital, I calmly made sure she was okay, held her up when she couldn’t even sit and asked if anyone nearby had any water. Loudly. While telling people to move back, give her room etc, maybe offer her a seat. Cool and collected on the outside, but on the inside I was alternating between screaming “Medic!” and wondering if I should launch into a series of stringent neurological tests, getting her to count fingers in different bits of her vision, state the date etc. I didn’t, thankfully. I was debating asking for her number, as she was quite pretty and I’d been trying to find an excuse to talk to her before that episode, but I didn’t do that either. Maybe I should have.

Who knows, maybe I'll be able to check up on her tomorrow if we get on the same train, or at some point over the next six weeks. Maybe. I'm not one who goes for this romantic notion of people meeting fleetingly and all that, so I'll put it down here just so I've got a reminder as it's a nice feeling and probably won't be around tomorrow. At any rate, after the last "romantic siege" attempted by someone else against Fort Housden through internet warfare (see the saga: the Battle of the Poke and the Poke Revolt), it was refreshing to have someone physically throw themselves at me. Albeit the advance was less of a throw, more of a flop. It'll have to do.

Good God I'm sad and lonely.

What was that? I wasn't there to be hero to floozies? I was there to work? Oh, yeah. There is that. It might seem a bit of an afterthought, but then it is and that's fitting, as I was a bit of an afterthought today. The big boss was away on a sightseeing day to the park with the business partner, apparently, so it was just the editing chums and I in today. Cue a bit more of a laugh, bit of a chat (I'm still not integrated, but small talk has arisen a few times and no one seems repulsed by what I've had to say yet) and some mutual grumbling.

The actual work proved that I really don't know what I'm doing, but none of the guys knew what I'd been asked to do yesterday by the big boss man, and I had hoped to get a couple of foundation pointers this morning when beginning, but there you are. It means I won't have to face the music until tomorrow, which is fine, because I'm going to the pub afterwards for a bit of a London Jaunt, and then intend to obliterate it all with a special, guest episode in the jaunt series to Manchester! There's also potentially a London Jaunt next weekend, too.

As for the Headlining Fleet Street series, I'm going to keep it to one a week or every few days at a maximum, unless colossally interesting things keep happening to me. Any progress on swooning women or indeed reappearances of The Swooning Woman will classify as such. Stay tuned!

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