Saturday 10 September 2011

Valuev searching for long lost brother

Yes, folks and folkettes, this rare dip into commenting on the sporting world concerns the recent news that Nikolai Valuev is going to lead an expedition to find that rarest of cryptids, the "Russian Yeti".

Possible sighting of the Kazzbuss yeti.
He's going to Siberia for two days to hunt the beast, also known as the Kazzbuss yeti after a local town. I have one question- what good will two days do? In the years people have spent searching for all manner of cryptids (beasts/ creatures that exist in urban myth but are doubted in reality due to their bizarre nature), when has anyone found one? And he'll catch one in two days?

On Wikipedia, the Possible explanations section for the Yeti lists three types of bear, a monkey and an extinct giant gorilla as potential sightings of the famed Yeti. It also states it could be a human hermit, too, which is acceptable only if the hermit is Yeti-esque. Take a good hard look at Valuev. It could be family.

There is an everlasting allure with cryptids, though. Why are we so interested in them when now we can pretty much gaurantee they don't exist? You can trawl Loch Ness all you want, with as much sonar and 3D imaging kit as possible, and find nothing. Take thermal cameras to the Siberian forests and see no abominable snowmen. Sit on a pick-up truck's tailgate in Mexico with a rifle across your legs and shoot a grandmother, not a chupacabra.

Perhaps, as Valuev has stated that he'll be undertaking the exhibition in a period of recovery from bone-based and other injuries before training hard again, he's actually taking the approach Rocky took when fighting Ivan Drago and going all natural, running up mountains, lifting logs and battling the elements while growing a beard. Who knows?

The Wikipedia page for the Yeti is here-

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