Saturday 26 June 2010

Big Brother Returns for the Summer Holiday- Day One in the House

So I'm back at home. Home, that is, being my childhood house where my mum, dad and sister all still live, and where I sneak back to after each year renting the amazing luxury flats in Bowland Halls.

Already it's great. I'm in the 'just got back from uni' honeymoon period. There's food in the cupboards (actual, proper food!) and not just a small amount. They're full of the stuff.

I've already learnt how to use the new dishwasher, used the new cutlery, new crockery, new mugs, sat in the newly decorated living room and been shown a million and one news pairs of shoes by my sister. As well as a bunch of clothes and her yearbook. Yes, the tradition of buying new things and getting better stuff the minute I leave continues. Huzzah.

Everything is dandy, though. I'm feeling relaxed for the first time in a long time, which is odd- I'm not the frantic, energetic, pacing genius mess that I am at uni here. Perhaps in this calm state of mind creativity will flourish. Who knows.

I love being at home in this grace period though, because everything is easy. Sure, I'm going to be raging at the 'famlee' within a week, but right now the fact that my sister's hogging the bathroom and has been for the last forty minutes doesn't bother me. Not at all. Not one bit.

And I've come home and my mum has instantly done the motherly thing.

Thing's I've learnt in the last twelve hours.

-I've lost weight and need to eat a lot more. (Result)
-I need new jeans, and will be bought them.
-I need new trainers and shoes, and will be bought them.
-In preparation for an internship I need a new jacket and a swish blazer. They may be bought for me.
-I can still clear the room with my lethal flatulence. (Again, result!)

So everything is great, fine and dandy for now.
Give me a few days and I may have murdered them all. But I'm happy and fine, honest. Yeah.

I also learned, finally, never to watch Rambo with my mum and sister in the same room. Why, you ask?

I'm no survival expert, but I had to know the reason for everything in that film. And then relay it. And explain. Twice.


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