Sunday 20 June 2010

Weapons grade ineptitude strikes again!

Yep, that's right folks. The continuing war of The CYM against the world has been dealt another blow because of other people's silliness.

Given a choice between someone with experience in writing, editing and publishing; someone with a clear vision of what the college magazine can become; someone who always delivers and produces excellent work- given a choice between that person and two people who are popular but haven't the foggiest about the amount of hard work and effort that will go into the role, the masses used their collective wisdom and voted for the hot blonde leggy girl who happens to be on the pool team.

Many people have spoken out and said that the college missed a beat not picking me.

I'm not saying I'd have delivered a perfect magazine.

I'm not saying no one will want to read the guff this girl commissions.

I'm not saying that it's the be all and end all for the magazine or my involvement in it.

I'm just noting that the people who voted have lost a one time offer. Still, I'll be writing for The Lady, and focussing on the other million and one things I do around here.

And I'll be sure to offer this girl all the help she needs if she looks lost, and to offer copies of all the exceptionally high standard works I produce over the next year to her to remind her what she's working for instead of me.

End of rant.

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