Sunday 9 May 2010

Flammable forehead, the it'll-be-fine complex and a pile o' books

So, since about last Wednesday I've had the sniffles. Well, it's been a bit more than the sniffles, at one point I felt like I was facing this nice chap:

And I imagine I looked a little bit like a cross between him and

But still, it allowed me a respite from the idea that I had revision to be doing. For my one and only exam this year. Which I'd told myself I would do really well in because I only had that to revise for and had a week and half in which to do it.

I hadn't counted on the coursework marathon eight days taking its toll in a sneaky way. Namely, making me really susceptible to illness and then letting me catch something which took a good few days to emerge. When it did emerge it basically blew the bloody doors off and went on a bit of a rampage- fever, head twice its usual weight with mucus and phlegm, shaky hands, inability to sit still and/or stand up at different points, headaches, backaches, the works. But hey, it meant that with about two hours worth of revision hastily done on the morning of, the only stuff from a week's effort that began to make sense and stick, I sat the exam.

Key point being that the last sentence is past tense. It's all over and done with. I might not have done that well. Never mind, nothing I can do about that. It's all over and done with. The kicker is that now I've sat the bloody thing and have nothing left to revise I'm feeling better illness-wise. Huh.

On the plus side, I've now got free time. Which is just as well, because my desk has sprouted a series of growths that look remarkably similar to this:

So I'm going to break from the student tradition of doing jack all when we don't have to and spend the rest of my days this term making myself do stuff. Correction: doing stuff. Because I won't be forcing myself to read or write or look for jobs, because I'll be doing it as part and parcel of a daily routine. Oh yeah, go me. Organised and driven.

Of course, that means more blog entries. Huzzah! Although I'll try not to write them for the sake of writing, just keep my eyes open for things to talk about, so they'll be daily as an when I have enough to say.


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