Monday 10 May 2010

The Lazy Generation- reminding me of twiddling thumbs...

We are the lazy generation- so The F-Ups said in the eponymous song Lazy Generation (featured in one of my favourite games of all time, Burnout 3. Seriously, all I have to do is listen to that song and I'm sixteen/ seventeen again caring about nothing but getting my next takedown.)

All tangents aside though, they called us the Lazy Generation. And they were right.

Which is one reason why this wasn't posted on Friday. As, you know, I was supposed to be writing daily blogs to keep my eye in, and here we are almost a week later and it's just about finished. Still, The F-Ups were once again prophetic with the third line of their song, which goes a little something like this- "So good at wasting our time". Ahem.

And as much as I promised myself that having jack-all to do for my degree for the next few weeks would push me into writing everyday, looking for a job everyday, getting back into being musical and generally keeping on top of everything, woe betide me the internet won the battle for my attention. That, and the fact that I've been sleeping too much recently. It can kill you, y'know. According to the BBC. But, the days are getting longer and the sun is finally starting to shine up here in the good ol' North, so there is hope yet.

I just hope that I don't get distracted by other pursuits or, indeed, the internet again. I'm never happier than when I'm frantically busy, even though I tend to express happiness by running around, flapping my arms, frowning and swearing my head off. Still, it means the radio can be given a bit of attention, SCAN (the uni paper) can have its justly deserved time and my own writing can be ploughed on with. Who knows, a novel may even be finished (at least, this current draft) by the end of term. It's all go, and in between such behemoths of productivity BPAIS (as I'm now funkily referring to this page) will be reborn with a greater sense of... well, with more stuff.

Stay tuned for important things. Ish.

And just for you lovely people, here's the tune that resembles my teenhood as a gaming boy:

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