Tuesday 13 July 2010

The Grump and The Gays: Day 2- Bleary Eyed Morning and Minogue vs Minogue

Well, after the good fortune of getting two tickets to a film which isn't even out yet (see Day 1), and the late night that ensued because of it, the start to this morning wasn't exactly bright and breezy.

I had to literally drag myself out of the house this morning. That was fun.

After almost falling asleep and missing the tube stop it did mean I got to have a go with the slightly dodgy kettle in the kitchen. Hadn't been in there yet, so it was a bit of an adventure. It also threw up a minor but worrying dilemma.

Which mug should I use?
Do they have their own mugs? Which shelves are for the lesbians (liable to beat the crap out of me if I use their favourite), which shelves are for the guys from the other publications (liable to slap me or weep uncontrollably until I wash it and put it back)? I opted for a plain white mug that looked unpersonalised and average.

Their coffee is good. Really makes you buzz.

That afternoon brought revelation time- as an intern for the two magazines I'm on, I'm working with another intern, who has graduated his course seven years ago and been in the business ever since. I'm about to go into my third year. Win for me!

Also, two fine gentlemen I'm working with began to debate the virtues of the Minogue vs the Minogue. Needless to say, I didn't (couldn't) offer an opinion on the matter.

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