Sunday 25 July 2010

The Grump and the Lady gays- Day five: the last page

Ah, the end was near.

Sadly- well, somewhat sadly, if you go in for that sort of sentimental thing and get all sorts of attached to fleeting rungs on the ladder of careers- today ended with a whimper, not a bang. Although, given the orientation of the male population of that floor, a good bang would not have been the way I wanted a fortnight to end.

Not that I'd be in for a pounding from the lipstick ladies either. Even with the Narnia of toys that those magazines possess, I doubt I'd enjoy it. As it was, I did more of the same. Typed things, speedily transcribed interviews for a few features, and generally wrote up competition announcements and a couple of news stories.

Enough said. Shock horror, though, that one of the news stories regarded the original portrayer of the Man Of Steel, Christopher Reeve, and an alleged gay affair. Who knew? Well, he did, apparently.

The majority of my afternoon gave me a quick lesson in HTML, updating the website over and over with new events that might have been of interest to lesbians in the UK over hte next couple of months. I got to know my way around the website quite well. And found out how to do all sorts of swanky things that I thought I could show you guys. But, well, turns out half of the gimmicks aren't supported by the blogspot rules and so show up as just code. Bummer.

At about half five I was given a debrief. Which sounds more efficient and official than it was. I was hardly a commando para-dropped into a hostile environment. In fact, they were more than hospitable. I was told How Good I'd Been, had all of my work in the last two weeks Praised And Amazed etc, etc. I'm not one to brag, but for now I will, and I'll say this. I'm more than happy that they think I'll have no problem finding work at a publication because, apparently, I can turn my hand to any house style convincingly.

I think that means I could pass as a manlover. Sweet!

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