Tuesday 6 July 2010

Why can't people who design websites and signs speak proper English?

Right. People that don't use English in the way what it was writ really hack me off.

For example. Sainsbury's, Tesco et al insist that you can queue in a 'Five items or less' aisle if your basket fits the requirements. Problem is, you never will. You can have fewer items than five. You can even have less of an item, if you're comparing quality or size to another item. But less items is wrong. And these people are paid loads to design things we then take as verbatim and written in stone on how to use our language.

Example two. Facebook has got a brilliant feature where you can add friends. If you recieve a notification that Joe Bloggs has sent you a friend request, you get the brilliant options of 1) Accept request or 2) Ignore friend request or 3) Cancel

Click 3) Cancel and you will leave the mini window where you make a decision. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but backing away from a decision seems to me to be the definition of ignoring that decision.

Click 2) Ignore and you will deny the request. Are deny and ignore now synonymous? According to Facebook they are. And, well, the amount of time teens from thirteen/ fourteen onwards spend on that site, the webmasters could more or less write anything and the users would accept it as the correct use of the word.

Imagine in twenty years time, in court, there is a man on trial for some crime. The newsreaders stand outside the Old Bailey, claiming the defendent 'ignores the charges', while stating that he's facing charges for 'no less than eight hundred crimes'.

Minor word changes, yes. But they irritate me, and perpetuate the idea that you just because langauges change and constantly evolve we should all just jack in any effort to speak proper.

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